
Email Safety Tips

Attention daktel.com email users-
Don’t click the links!

There has been a mass of scam emails going around pretending to be from us, Dakota Central. We did not send these messages! It could be anything from your account will be de-activated, your bill is past due, update your account following a service outage, and others.

These messages will either include a link for you to click and enter your account information, or reply to the email.
DO NOT enter your account information or reply to these messages! Once you “log in”, they have your password and your account is hacked. After an account has been compromised, hackers use your account to send spam messages to gain access to other accounts, creating a snowball effect.

What you can do:

  • Delete and disregard the email messages. Or, if you think it might be legitimate, visit our website directly instead of clicking on links in the message to log into your account, to ensure you are on the correct website.
  • If you happened to enter your information, call us right away to reset your password and secure your account
  • Just to be safe- if you have an old or short password it should be reset to a longer, stronger password
  • Tell your friends and family to be careful and never click the links!